The Basics & Ethics of Estate Planning and Probate Law

Date: 04/11/2025

Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm

Description: This CLE will cover the basics of estate planning and probate law and the ethical implications at each step of the process. The program will highlight the importance of estate planning regardless of a person’s income. This program will focus on Rules 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.7 of the Professional Rules of Conduct, Opinions 22, 137, 142, and 179, and 1999 Formal Ethics Opinion 4, 2006 Formal Ethics Opinion 11, and 2015 Formal Ethics Opinion 8.


John R. Cella, Jr: John is a board certified specialist in Estate Planning and Probate Law. John counsels clients in trust, estate, business, and related tax planning matters.  His estate planning representations include simple will planning, pour-over will and revocable trust planning, and “taxable estate” planning with irrevocable grantor and non-grantor trusts.  He also advises on North Carolina probate and federal income, estate, gift, and generation-skipping tax (GST) law consequences of lifetime and post-mortem wealth transfers. John’s ERISA and compensation background is valuable when advising clients regarding their qualified retirement plans, IRAs, equity compensation, and deferred compensation. John also works with executors, trustees, and beneficiaries in simple and complex estate and trust administration matters, routine or contentious, including trust termination, modification, and decanting matters.

Pending 1hr of General Credit and 1hr Ethics Credit

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