Celebrating those who support our clients.

Jack Lloyd works with Legal Aid’s economic justice initiative/mortgage foreclosure prevention project.
His team is focused on preventing homelessness and foreclosure, in addition to helping clients with other consumer issues.
In honor of Legal Aid of North Carolina’s 20th anniversary, we interviewed our hardworking staff to learn what drives their passion for our clients.
What made you want to be a lawyer?
I love the law, and I knew in seventh grade that I wanted to be a lawyer. I read “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Inherit the Wind,” and had great teachers that fostered my interest in debate.

Why did you start working at Legal Aid NC?
Today, law students learn about poverty and indigent law, but when I was in law school they didn’t. I started my career working in corporate defense.
In a volunteer capacity, my wife and I started working with the homeless through Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network, and we ran the program for our faith community for six years. It changed my perspective and opened my eyes to a world I didn’t fully understand. I made the decision to leave corporate law for Legal Aid of North Carolina, and my wife was fully supportive.

What do you love about working at Legal Aid NC?
It’s a privilege to work with our clients. These people are facing traumatic circumstances in their lives, yet their strength of will and ability to endure is amazing.
Watching these folks stand up to out-of-town scammers and not back down is completely inspiring. What we do is important for them. In my previous job, a win was equivalent to a rounding error on their budget sheet, but for my clients at Legal Aid of North Carolina, the chance to be heard at trial means all the world.
What frustrates you?
The expense of the legal system. Justice is not cheap. To anyone considering a donation to Legal Aid, I can tell you that your donation directly funds work that dramatically improves the lives of our clients. These are folks who would otherwise have limited-to-zero ability to have their legal rights upheld. Grantors and donors are literally the linchpin to our being able to fight for thousands of North Carolinians each year.
What does, “Removing barriers. Upholding opportunity.” mean to you?
If this organization did not exist, the barrier to having justice done would be insurmountable to so many people across North Carolina. Our clients would not have the chance to have their cases heard, and they would be taken advantage of with no legal recourse. The opportunity to have justice done for our clients depends on the resources so generously shared by our donors.
Tell me about a special client you helped.
In 2021, I had the pleasure of representing an elderly gentleman who lives in a historically impoverished area of Raleigh. Since Raleigh is a hot real estate market, we attract many out-of-state investment groups who buy up and tear down neighborhoods. One of these companies scammed our client by tricking him into signing away his property—something called predatory gentrification.
Our client is not a financially sophisticated man, a double amputee whose joy in life is to sit on his front porch, wave to his neighbors, and watch the kids play. Opposing counsel literally scoffed at the man for having the temerity to demand they return ownership of the home to him. But we won the case, and today he’s still waving at his neighbors and watching the kids play.
What we do is important. We give our clients hope when all seems hopeless.
Support Jack and the Legal Aid of North Carolina team!
Though our organization’s impact is great, the demand for our services surpasses its capacity to help. In honor of the organization’s two decades of service, consider donating, volunteering or getting involved with Legal Aid of North Carolina.