RALEIGH, NC – The Child’s Advocate (TCA), a project of Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC), is pleased to announce the appointment of Atiya M. Mosley as its new Project Director. Mosley, former co-director of TCA alongside Suzanne Chester, brings a wealth of experience and commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of children.
Mosley, a graduate of George Washington University Law School, joined the Raleigh office of LANC in 2005 as a Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative attorney. Since 2017, she has been an integral part of TCA, where she has represented child clients and served as the Strategy Manager for the implementation of LANC’s Strategic Plan.
Mosley, a graduate of George Washington University Law School, joined the Raleigh office of LANC in 2005 as a Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative attorney. Since 2017, she has been an integral part of TCA, where she has represented child clients and served as the Strategy Manager for the implementation of LANC’s Strategic Plan.
In addition to her legal expertise, Mosley has presented numerous Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs in the areas of lawyer well-being, ethics, domestic violence, and family law. Her dedication to her work has been recognized with the Attorney Child Advocate of the Year award in 2003 and the Wake Woman of the Year by the Wake Women Attorneys in 2016.
TCA, a project committed to providing attorneys for children in highly contested private custody cases, is appointed by judges in family court in Wake and Durham counties. The project addresses cases involving domestic violence, child abuse or mistreatment, substance abuse or mental instability of a parent, relocation of a parent, or a child with special needs.
“Our role is different from that of guardian ad litem (GAL). Instead of deciding what is best for our clients, we investigate and advocate for what our clients believe is best for them. To do this, we collaborate with mental health providers to better understand our clients’ perspectives and preferences. Throughout our representation of our clients, we maintain a confidential attorney-client relationship,” explains Mosley.
The project settles most cases without the need for a trial by collaborating with parents and their attorneys. In cases requiring a trial, TCA presents evidence and calls witnesses to ensure the court learns about the child’s experience, concerns and preferences.
Mosley expressed her enthusiasm about taking on this expanded role, stating, “I am excited and honored to lead The Child’s Advocate in making a real difference in the lives of children in North Carolina. Our commitment to providing representation and advocating for vulnerable children is unwavering. I look forward to continuing the impactful work of this project.”
TCA recruits and trains pro bono attorneys from the private family law bar to ensure that every child appointed an attorney has dedicated representation. The project aims to expand its services gradually to additional counties in North Carolina, furthering its mission to protect and advocate for the rights of children.
Read more about Mosley and her role at TCA in the Wake County Bar Association blog.
Learn more about TCA at thechildsadvocate.org.