Attend our free Listen & Learns to learn how to handle certain basic legal issues without hiring an attorney. You will receive all the guidance and paperwork necessary to walk out of the Listen & Learn and into the courthouse. The Listen & Learns will provide you with general legal information and guidance only. The Listen & Learns will not provide you with specific, individual legal advice.
Read our FAQs to learn more.
Child Custody and Visitation
Download the packets For non-parents (Para las personas que no son los padres)
Criminal Record Expunction
Attend our free Criminal Record Expunction Clinic to learn if you can remove any information from your criminal record. Sign up for the clinic here. The clinic will provide you with…
Emergency SNAP
The extra food stamp (FNS/SNAP) payment, officially called Emergency Allotments, will end in February 2023. Starting in March, you will only get your regular food stamp payment loaded to your…
Medicaid Rights
Attend our FREE Medicaid Managed Care Clinic to learn about NC Medicaid’s transformation to managed care. On July 1, 2021, approximately 1.6 million North Carolinians who receive Medicaid benefits were…
Simple Divorce
Attend our free Listen & Learns to learn how to handle certain basic legal issues without hiring an attorney. You will receive all the guidance and paperwork necessary to walk out…
Social Security Disability
Attend our free Social Security Disability Clinic to learn about the types of adult Social Security Disability benefits, how to qualify, the application process, and what you will need to…
Tenant Rights
At the moment, we are not running live Tenant Rights Clinics. You can check out our most recent recordings here. Affirmative Case for Repairs Forms
Wills and Powers of Attorney
Attend our free Wills and Powers of Attorney to learn how to complete a health care power of attorney and a living will on your own. You will receive a packet…
For your convenience, we hold all of our Listen & Learns electronically using Facebook Live and Zoom. All of the clinics are still completely free and open to the public.
- Facebook Live: To participate using Facebook, visit our Facebook Live page when the Listen & Learn starts. You do not need a Facebook account to watch the presentation, but you do need an account to send questions to the presenters. Sign up for a free Facebook account.
- Zoom: To participate using Zoom, use the listing below to register for the Listen & Learn you are interested in. You do not need a Zoom account to participate in the Listen & Learn. Once you register, you will receive an email containing a link to the Zoom presentation. When the Listen & Learn starts, click the Zoom link to join.