Organization: Legal Aid of North Carolina

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What are advance directives?

Advance directives are legal documents that state your wishes about your medical care, finances and property in case you become incapacitated or die. Here are the most common types:

  • Will: States who receives your property at death (your “beneficiaries”) and who handles your affairs after you die (your “executor”).
  • Living Will: Describes when you would want certain medical care withheld if you are unable to speak for yourself.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: States who can handle your financial matters and make related decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This remains in effect only while you are alive.
  • Health Care Power of Attorney: Allows another person to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to make those decisions yourself.

When is the right time to prepare advance directives? Before you need them!

Advance directives can only be authorized at a time when you have the legal capacity to make decisions and appoint others to handle things for you. Once you lose the mental or physical ability to make and communicate decisions, you also lose the ability to create valid, enforceable powers of attorney. This also applies to a living will, a document that let doctors know under which circumstances you would want life-prolonging measures withheld. Once you no longer have the capacity to make decisions about what you want, including which individuals you would allow to make decisions for you, you cannot legally execute these documents and they will not be valid even if you sign them.

What can happen without them?

To understand the importance of having advance directives in place before a triggering event, consider what can happen without them.

If you become physically or mentally incapacitated and have not authorized anyone else to make decisions for you, doctors will look to your next of kin to make health care decisions. This may be fine for some, but it could be a nightmare if you’re separated but not yet divorced, or if you are estranged from your closest relative.

As far as finances go, if nobody has authority to write checks for you and pay your bills, you may rack up debt including late charges, interest fees and possibly even lawsuits by creditors. The only remedy available will likely be legal guardianship. This means you must be declared incompetent and it will be too late then to choose who you wish to act as your legal guardian. If you are no longer competent, absolutely anyone can file a petition to become your guardian and it will be up to a clerk of court, who has never met you before, to decide whether to grant any particular individual the power to make major decisions about your life.

Advance directives avoid drastic outcomes.

Preparing advance directives while you’re mentally and physically able to do so gives you maximum options and can help you avoid ending up in the hands of the wrong person and becoming more vulnerable to abuse or exploitation. So if you’re aging, but happily still able to make decisions and do things for yourself, use that power now to extend your decisions into the future while you still can.

Organization: Legal Aid of North Carolina

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When most people think of domestic violence, they probably picture violence among couples or towards children. But what about abuse of senior citizens by their families or caretakers, is that domestic violence?


North Carolina’s domestic violence law, General Statute 50B, often referred to simply as 50B, covers more than just romantic and parental relationships. It offers important protections and forms of relief for elderly victims, too.

50B lists the types of “personal relationships” that qualify under the law. Parent-child and grandparent-grandchild relationships are specifically mentioned, as are “current or former household members,” which could include any family member, friend, caretaker or roommate who has lived with the victim. And of course, abuse in romantic relationships is possible at any age, whether the relationship is new or decades old. An elderly victim in one of these qualifying relationships may obtain the same types of relief through a protective order as a younger victim abused by their spouse. However, relief under 50B is only available if the abuser is over the age of sixteen, regardless of the relationship.

Relief under 50B can include a court order to keep the abuser away from the victim’s home. Unfortunately, such a measure is sometimes the only way to keep an abusive family member away, given family dynamics and routine access that caretakers, children or grandchildren may have to the victim’s residence. A protective order can trigger legal safeguards including mandatory arrests when certain terms of the order are violated – for example, when the perpetrator refuses to stay away from the victim’s home.

When a family member is abusing an elderly person, the close relationship may make it difficult to contemplate seeking a protective order against the abuser. Whether to take such action should always be the victim’s decision, but there is always help and support available even if they are not ready to take action. The resources available to younger victims in married or dating relationships are also often available to elderly victims. The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence lists shelters and advocacy organizations by county on its website. These organizations can often provide shelter, counseling, safety planning and other supportive services to victims, regardless of whether they wish to pursue criminal charges or seek a protective order.

Organization: Legal Aid of North Carolina

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Becoming dependent on caretakers in a nursing home does require major adjustments and a relinquishment of some control over everyday affairs. Any such heavy dependence on others naturally lends itself to potential abuse or mistreatment when there are not safeguards and protections in place. But under both federal and state law, there are many safeguards and protections that give nursing home residents the right to maintain some autonomy.

Whether you are contemplating admission to a nursing home or just know someone who resides in one, it’s a good idea to become familiar with residents’ rights under both North Carolina and federal law. (Click for summaries of state and federal regulations.) The federal nursing home regulations were recently expanded to give residents more rights.

Both sets of regulations cover privacy and communication, explicitly giving residents the right to have private phone access, mail access and the materials necessary to send and receive mail, as well as the right to have visitors of one’s choice at any reasonable hour. Other important topics addressed in nursing home regulations include choices about scheduling (including waking and sleeping times), when residents must receive notices of changes (including transfers or discharges), how grievances must be handled, and freedom from restraints and abuse.

The state summary of rights lists the right “to manage his/her own financial affairs unless other legal arrangements have been implemented.” It’s important to understand that this does not give agents named in powers of attorney the right to go beyond the authority given in that document or to restrict a resident’s access to visitors or communication with others. I sometimes hear from clients that family members acting under a power of attorney believe they can unilaterally decide which visitors the resident may receive. However, powers of attorney generally do not give agents that authority and nursing homes should not go against the resident’s wishes about visitor access.

One thing that should be considered carefully at the very beginning of a nursing home stay is the admission agreement, typically a lengthy and comprehensive document. As with any contract, it’s important to read this document closely and discuss any questions or concerns before signing it. Some facilities may not yet have updated their contracts to reflect current law. For example, nursing homes have traditionally asked for a cosigner, a third party such as a spouse or other family member, to agree to be financially responsible in these contracts.

However, facilities that accept Medicaid or Medicare are now prohibited by federal law from requesting or requiring such responsibility from a third party. They are also prohibited from requiring a waiver of the facility’s liability for loss of a resident’s personal belongings. Reviewing these agreements carefully before signing them and knowing one’s rights ahead of time can help with transitions into nursing homes so that they don’t have to feel like the beginning of the end.

Organization: Legal Aid of North Carolina

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Joint accounts can make perfect sense for seniors who depend on family members for help paying bills and other day-to-day tasks. Joint accounts can also help avoid the need for probate, an often-complex process that requires court involvement to carry out the will. 

Undoubtedly, joint bank accounts can make life easier for the right people: seniors and their trusted family members or caretakers. However, they can also make things easier for the wrong ones: people who want to exploit seniors and get access to their money. I hear this concern from a lot of my clients. Their son is in and out of rehab, or their daughter may be easily manipulated by an abusive spouse. Is it safe to add their name to the account? 

My clients are right to be cautious, because opening a joint account gives the joint owners virtually unlimited access. They can withdraw any amount of money, at any time, for any reason, without your permission. And the process is irreversible: Once you give someone access to your account, the only way to remove them is to close the account. (The same warning applies if you make someone a co-owner of your home with a new deed; you cannot change your mind and deed it back to yourself unless they agree to give back their interest.) 

Therefore, my advice to clients is always: Pick someone you can truly trust, and understand how joint accounts work so both you and your bank know what you want. 

If you want someone to have access to your account while you’re alive and receive full ownership of the account when you die, then you want a “joint account with a right of survivorship.” If you want this type of account, make sure the written agreement you sign with your bank clearly states that the account has a right of survivorship. 

If you want to give someone access to your account only after your death, then you want a “payable on death” account that names a beneficiary. You can set up a POD account if you are the sole owner of the account, or if the account already has a joint owner and you want the beneficiary to be a third party. Be aware, though, that this will create problems if your joint owners do not agree on the POD beneficiary. 

Finally, be aware that setting up a right of survivorship or POD account will not necessarily prevent a portion of the account from being used to pay your debts after your death if you have no other money or assets. 

So, when clients ask me about “adding a name” to an account, I tell them that joint accounts can definitely make life easier, but they are first and foremost a matter of trust.