Our Name Change Pro Bono Program recruits volunteer NC attorneys to provide name change assistance to low-income North Carolinians seeking identification congruent with their gender identity in order to secure access to education, employment, housing, public accommodations, public benefits, and more. Volunteer service is not only impactful, it’s also simple and convenient. We provide training materials and templates, volunteers serve remotely, and cases typically take less than 10 hours.
- Volunteer eligibility: Attorneys currently eligible to practice law in North Carolina. Inactive NC attorneys and out-of-state attorneys can participate by petitioning the NC State Bar for Pro Bono Practice Status. Use our Contact Us form to request a supervision statement.
- Service level: Brief service. Volunteers help clients gather documentation and navigate the filing process.
- Service format: Remote. Volunteers interact with clients over the phone and email. The name change process involves many steps, and volunteers will be expected to have regular conversations to check on case progress. No in-person meetings or court appearances required.
- Service duration: 5-10 hours per case
- Volunteer support: Malpractice insurance. Training and resources (guides, checklists, templates). Mentoring by experienced Legal Aid NC attorneys. Learn more.