Disability Benefits

Help applying for SSI/SSDI benefits

Support from a Social Security (SS) representative

If you fill out this online form with some basic information about yourself or who you are applying for, a SS representative will set up an appointment to assist you with the application.

Assistance from a Social Worker where you receive medical care

Many hospitals and community health care centers have social workers on staff that work alongside medical professional. These social workers can sometimes assist with the initial SSI/SSDI application. Ask your doctor or clinic if there is a social worker on staff that can assist you with the application.

Self-Help Guides

If you are homeless, and need help applying for SSI/SSDI benefits

SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) Program

If you are at risk of or experiencing homelessness, a SOAR caseworker might be able to assist you throughout the application process. Check this website to see if there is a SOAR caseworker in your county and call them to set up an appointment. *Note that as of 9/23, SOAR caseworkers only assist with Adult SSI applications, not Child applications. 

If you are about to turn 18, and need help applying for re-determination as an adult