Legendary pro bono attorney Bill Moore wins Governor’s Volunteer Service Award

At the Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards luncheon May 6 in Durham, William C. “Bill” Moore stands with (left to right) Gina Reyman and Dietrich McMillan from Legal Aid NC; Lakethia Jefferies, Director of the Pro Bono Legal Clinic at NCCU Law; and Sarah Moore (no relation) and Sharon Council from Legal Aid NC.

We love our pro bono volunteers! HUGE congratulations to William C. Moore, one of our most legendary volunteers, for winning a Governor’s Volunteer Service Award for his lifetime of pro bono service to our firm and North Carolina Central University School of Law.

Bill volunteers as the supervising attorney of the Elder Law Project, a partnership between our Durham office and NCCU Law. Bill works with the project’s faculty, staff and law-student volunteers to provide free legal help to Durham senior citizens referred by the Durham Center for Senior Life.

“It’s hard to imagine the Elder Law Project without Bill Moore,” says Lakethia Jefferies, Director of the Pro Bono Clinic at NCCU Law. “He has played such an integral role in the project since its inception. While we have had many volunteer attorneys for the project, Mr. Moore is our shining star. His dedication and commitment to the project is unmatched. Each year, I have the privilege and joy of training another group of project law students. I can say that Mr. Moore has played an important role in the growth and professional development of our students. As a result, I can say without hesitation that North Carolina’s legal community is better off because of Attorney Bill Moore.”

Bill’s work with the Elder Law Project is just the tip of the iceberg. Since 2003, he has provided a total of nearly 1,500 hours of pro bono service to hundreds of our clients, ranking him among our most prolific — and impactful — volunteers ever.

“It’s almost impossible to overstate the value of Bill Moore’s service to our clients and our organization,” says Gina Reyman, Triangle Regional Manager for LANC and former head of its Durham office. “His longtime leadership of the Elder Law Project and his additional pro bono service over the last 20 years speak to the quality of his character and the strength of his commitment to public service. When it comes to pro bono volunteers, Mr. Moore is unmatched in his persistent, dedicated and quality services to our community.”

“With Bill,” says Sharon Council, pro bono coordinator for LANC’s Durham office, “it’s not just the amount of pro bono he does that makes him so special—it’s also the way he does it. He treats every client as if they’re the most important person in the world. He listens to their stories, empathizes with them, makes sure he understands what they want AND that they understand what he can and can’t do for them. His dedication to service is evident in every one of his client interactions. It has been my true joy to work with such a person who treats our clients and other colleagues with such great respect and dignity.”

One of Mr. Moore’s recent wills clients agrees. “Thank you for putting me in touch with attorney Bill Moore,” said the client. “He is such a caring person and a professional and friendly lawyer.”

Sarah Moore (no relation), a case coordinator on LANC’s statewide Pro Bono Programs team, who also works with Mr. Moore, says, “He is my go-to volunteer for estate-planning cases. He often works with multiple clients at a time. Whenever he finds himself with only one client, he always reaches out to ask if there are any new cases he can take on. That’s an extraordinary level of dedication for one of our pro bono volunteers.”

Learn more about the Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards.