
Are you trying to enroll your student in school?

Is your student being denied enrollment because the school is requiring particular documentation to prove parentage, age, domicile, or immunization?

 Is your student being denied enrollment because they are living apart from their parent/legal guardian and/or away from their home school district?

What are the special rights of students experiencing homelessness?

Is your student being denied enrollment because they are serving a long-term suspension, 365-day suspension, or expulsion?

Is your court-involved student being denied enrollment?


This toolkit includes information about your student’s education rights. It also contains additional tips and tools you can use to ensure students get all the support they need and to which they are legally entitled.  You can use this toolkit to assist in your advocacy efforts on behalf of your students, and/or you can share it directly with other families for them to use in advocating for their children.


Overcoming Barriers to School Enrollment In this session, REP attorney and social work staff will provide parents and caregivers with an overview of their legal rights related to school enrollment, along with practical strategies for ensuring that students are promptly enrolled in and given meaningful access to the school environment.  In addition to covering enrollment protections for all students, this session will focus on unique enrollment rights for students who are living apart from their parents due to crisis situations, students and families who are homeless and/or living in unstable situations, and students in foster care.