Suspension, Expulsion, & Alternative School Placements

Is your student being suspended from riding the school bus?

Is your student facing in-school suspension (ISS)?

Is your student facing a short-term suspension (STS) of 10 days or less?

Is your student facing long-term suspension (LTS) of more than 10 days?

Is your student facing a 365-day suspension?

Is your student facing a disciplinary reassignment to an alternative school?

Is your student facing an expulsion?


This toolkit includes information about your student’s education rights. It also contains additional tips and tools you can use to ensure students get all the support they need and to which they are legally entitled.  You can use this toolkit to assist in your advocacy efforts on behalf of your students, and/or you can share it directly with other families for them to use in advocating for their children.


School Discipline: Pushing Back Against Push-Out – In this session, REP attorney staff and community-based partners will discuss students’ legal rights related to school discipline measures such as bus suspensions, in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, and disciplinary reassignments.  In addition to discussing formal legal rights for challenging unlawful or discriminatory school discipline, panelists will discuss creative strategies for advocating for trauma-informed school environments that prioritize restorative solutions over punitive exclusionary discipline.