Topic: Disaster Relief

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Legal Aid of North Carolina’s Disaster Relief Project is helping survivors of Hurricane Matthew and Florence access recovery assistance for damage to their homes sustained during the storm.

Legal Aid is currently assisting North Carolinians with ReBuild NC Homeowner Recovery Program applications and appeals, and may also be able to help when other legal issues arise during the recovery process.

“Applying for the ReBuild NC Homeowner Recovery Program may not appear to initially be legal in nature, but applicants may encounter issues that Legal Aid can help with,” said Lesley Albritton, managing attorney of Legal Aid’s Disaster Relief Project. “Legal Aid has a disaster relief team with attorneys, paralegals and social workers who have experience with assisting during the recovery process and may be able to help survivors of Florence and Matthew access recovery funds and other resources.”

The North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) opened applications for the Rebuild NC Homeowner Recovery Program in June to assist homeowners with repairs, reconstruction and/or elevation of storm-damaged homes.

For those applying to the ReBuild NC Homeowner Recovery Program, Legal Aid can help with:

  • Filling out and submitting applications
  • Online filing for those who do not have internet service or an email address
  • Reviewing applications before submission
  • Collecting the documents required to accompany an application
  • Assisting with any deed or title concerns that come up before submitting your application
  • Clarifying past assistance, if an applicant has received assistance from more than one source and is concerned about duplication of benefits

For those who disagree with a decision that they have received, Legal Aid can help by:

  • Talking to an applicant’s case manager to better understand a denial/decision
  • Assisting with writing an appeal letter
  • Helping a client collect additional documentation that may support an appeal

“Our services are free, and we encourage survivors of Matthew and Florence who think we may be able to help to call our helpline at 866-219-5262 to learn more about eligibility and how we may be able to assist with recovery,” said Albritton.

In September 2018, Florence made landfall in N.C. causing significant flooding and wind damage across 34 counties in the state. The storm caused $24 billion dollars in damage, making it one of the ten costliest hurricanes in United States history.

Those interested in Legal Aid’s services should call the Legal Aid helpline at 866-219-5262. Additional disaster relief resources are available the Disaster Relief section of our website.


Legal Aid of North Carolina is a statewide, nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services in civil matters to low-income people in order to ensure equal access to justice and to remove legal barriers to economic opportunity. The Disaster Relief Project provides legal assistance and education to survivors of natural disasters in North Carolina and supports community economic development and long-term recovery in disaster-impacted communities.

Topic: Disaster Relief

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Your Mortgage and Disaster Recovery
0:00 – Introduction
0:27 – Post-disaster
1:45 – Communication is key
3:20 – Post-disaster costs/issues
4:21 – Short-term trouble with payments
5:40 – Long-term issues
7:02 – Tips

If you’d like to learn more about how Legal Aid of NC may be able to help you with disaster recovery, call 866-219-5262 to learn more about our services and eligibility.

Thank you for attending our virtual presentation! Please complete this brief survey so that we can get your feedback about the event:

Topic: Disaster Relief

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Property Taxes and Disaster Recovery
0:00 – introduction
0:38 – What do property taxes have to do with natural disasters?
1:00 – General information on property taxes
3:04 – How property taxes affect the recovery process
4:06 – Steps to take now (best to address early, but never too late to take these steps). Link to the homestead exemption video mentioned:
7:23 – Steps to take after a disaster
8:52 – Options for what you can do if you are behind on your property taxes. Link to video mentioned:
If you’d like assistance with disaster recovery, call 866-219-5262.

Topic: Disaster Relief

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In this video, Legal Aid’s Disaster Relief Project provides information on appealing a ReBuild NC decision. What is a ReBuild NC appeal? What information should be included with an appeal? This video covers this and more.

Thank you for attending our virtual presentation! We would love your feedback. Please complete this brief survey:

0:00 – Introduction – this video is specifically for those who have applied for ReBuild and disagree with the decision that is issued
0:28 – What is a ReBuild NC appeal
0:54 – ReBuild NC appeals policy (in a nutshell)
2:34 – Typically there are two main areas for disagreement with a ReBuild decision
3:08 – Tips about that to think about and do if you are found ineligible
5:14 – Information about a duplication of benefits decision
10:15 – Information about writing the appeal
11:38 – You submitted an appeal. What now?
13:39 – Need help? Call Legal Aid NC to learn about eligibility at 866-219-5262

Topic: Disaster Relief

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For North Carolinians that are still in the recovery process from a past hurricane and those preparing for the next one, clarifying homeownership is an important aspect of accessing recovery assistance. On September 22 and 23, Legal Aid of North Carolina is hosting free remote information sessions that will discuss how Legal Aid may be able to help with disaster recovery including assisting with clarifying ownership of property.

“Even if someone has been living in the same home their whole life, they may lack the documentation of ownership that many disaster relief organizations and programs require,” said Lesley Albritton, managing attorney of Legal Aid’s disaster relief project. “These information sessions are an opportunity for North Carolinians to learn about how Legal Aid can help during the disaster recovery process.”

Organizations and programs that help with repairs or replacements after a disaster require clear ownership of land. This includes state programs, such as ReBuild NC’s Homeowner Recovery Program. Some kinds of ownership make it harder to get assistance. For example, if someone is living on land owned by a now-deceased parent or grandparent who did not have a will, the fact that the deed is in someone else’s name or that the property has multiple potential heirs may prevent a storm survivor from accessing recovery assistance.

These information sessions will focus on how a person seeking disaster relief assistance can clarify their homeownership. This will include discussing what it means to live on heir property and how creating family trees can help to locate potential co-owners. Legal Aid can help eligible clients clarify ownership in advance of seeking relief assistance.

The information sessions can be accessed through the call-in numbers listed below, or by registering to view it as a video webinar at The presenters will answer general questions at the end of the presentation. Those with specific questions should call the Legal Aid helpline at 866-219-5262 or visit to learn about eligibility for Legal Aid’s services and to get assistance.

More information about these information sessions and Legal Aid NC’s other disaster relief work can be found at the Disaster Relief section of our website.

Topic: Disaster Relief

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0:00 – Introduction
0:30 – Agenda
0:40 – About Legal Aid
0:53 – About Disaster Relief Project
1:15 – Accessing recovery recovery funds
1:47 – Duplication of Benefits and how it relates to ReBuild NC
9:21 – How does a program determine duplication of benefits
10:55 – Duplication of benefits scenario
15:36 – FEMA Recoupment
22:22 – Preparing for the future
23:30 – Questions? Call the Legal Aid NC helpline 866-219-5262 or apply online at

Topic: Disaster Relief

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0:00 – Introduction
0:30 – What is recoupment?
0:44 – Reasons FEMA is pursuing recoupment
1:22 – Notice of debt letter
3:00 – Information about timing for an appeal
3:28 – Elements that are included in an appeal
5:35 – Debt waiver

If you would like to contact Legal Aid NC, our helpline number is 866-219-5262. You can also apply online at

To access additional self-help resources, visit

Topic: Disaster Relief

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Michael A. Sprayberry, Director of Emergency Management in the N.C. Department of Public Safety, and Will Polk, deputy general counsel for NC DPS, joined Lesley Albritton, leader of our Disaster Relief Project, to discuss how North Carolinians can get their “house in order” before and after a natural disaster so legal problems don’t stand in the way of a full recovery. This video was broadcast live as part of our Free Forum Friday series on Facebook Live, where we provide North Carolinians with timely, important information on a full range of legal topics. Watch all of our Free Forum Friday broadcasts live every Friday at 11 a.m. at

0:20 – Introduction
1:30 – What is State Emergency Management’s role in natural disaster response and preparedness?
5:00 – What legal issues do people experience after a natural disaster? What can an attorney help with at this time?
11:10 – Information about NC’s CBDG-DR recovery funds (ReBuild NC)
12:50 – What is the best thing from a safety preparedness perspective that people can do right now to prepare for a natural disaster?
22:45 – Are there tips from a legal perspective when preparing for a natural disaster to get in a better position?
29:00 – is the best place to get up-to-date information about natural disasters in NC.
30:00 – Are there ways that the challenges from COVID-19 can make our disaster response better in the long run?

Topic: Disaster Relief

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As residents of Eastern North Carolina prepare for the current hurricane season, many are finding that an important part of this process is continuing to recover from previous storms. On August 25 and 26, Legal Aid of North Carolina is hosting free remote information sessions to discuss the recovery funds available to Hurricane Florence survivors, and how Legal Aid can help with some legal issues, such as duplication of benefits and FEMA recoupments, that may appear during the recovery process for those applying for assistance.

“The information sessions are a great opportunity for North Carolinians to learn more about how Legal Aid can help with the recovery process following a natural disaster,” said Lesley Albritton, managing attorney of Legal Aid’s Disaster Relief Project. “Legal Aid may be able to assist North Carolinians during the application process or, if needed, by filing an appeal after a decision is issued. Those with questions about our services are encouraged to attend an information session or call our helpline number.”

As Florence survivors seek assistance from multiple sources during their recovery process, survivors may encounter issues with duplication of benefits or FEMA requesting money to be repaid, known as FEMA recoupment. These information sessions will go over how Legal Aid may be able to help prevent these situations from happening or may be able to help if it has already occurred during the recovery process.

The presenters will answer general questions at the end of the presentation. Those with specific questions should call the Legal Aid helpline at 866-219-5262 or visit to learn about eligibility for Legal Aid’s services and to get assistance.

The two information sessions will cover the same content. Those that are interested can choose a day and time that is convenient for them:

August 25 at 12 p.m. 

Sign up to view as a webinar at

Call-in number: (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 819 0918 6407

Participant ID: “#”

August 26 at 6 p.m. 

Sign up to view as a webinar at

Call-in number: (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 854 6807 5396

Participant ID: “#”

More information about the information sessions and Legal Aid NC’s other disaster relief work can be found at


Legal Aid NC is a statewide, nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services in civil matters to low-income people in order to ensure equal access to justice and to remove legal barriers to economic opportunity. The Disaster Relief Project provides legal assistance and education to survivors of natural disasters in North Carolina, seeking to provide relief to clients in the days, weeks, months and years that it takes to recover. Legal Aid NC also supports community economic development and long-term recovery in disaster-impacted communities.

Topic: Disaster Relief

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0:00 – Intro
0:36 – What is duplication of benefits?
2:30 – How does duplication of benefits affect your recovery?
3:08 – What can you do if you’re experiencing a situation involving duplication of benefits?
5:27 – Legal Aid may be able to help. Call the helpline number at 866-219-5262.